Volunteers Needed to Help Weed City Park in Glens Falls!
City Park is growing. There are pretty plants and not so pretty weeds popping up all over.
The Friends of City Park have started to pull weeds and pick up litter to assist City Park blossom gloriously. Volunteers are needed to adopt the park and help nurture it through this Spring and Summer. The first official weed pulling event will be Thursday, April 22, 2010, then volunteers will be needed through out the summer. Please pack some gloves and a weed pulling aid, and stop by Scoville Jewelers for your assignment. Even if you can spare only 15 minutes, it would be great to be a part of this community project.
Thank you for helping today. Please take a bag and check the map of City Park for the day's assignment.
If you are willing to volunteer and care for the park during the spring-summer 2010 season, please send your name, phone number, and email address to Chris Scoville at (518) 793-0151.
Volunteers are asked try to give the park some time every Thursday to keep it looking spiffy. Please wear a City Park hat or t-shirt when you are working in the park.
If you would like to adopt a specific area in the park, please let contact Chris Scoville at (518) 793-0151.