Glens Falls Hospital Aloha Family 5k & 1 Mile Fun Walk
When and where
Date and time
7:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Hosted By
About this event
Rain or shine, this fun, festive family-friendly race kicks-off at Haviland Cove Park Pavilion and runs along the beautiful and historic Feeder Canal.
New this year, the return course will follow the new Pruyn Island trail along the Hudson River. Be inspired by beach tunes as you walk or run the off-street course and welcome in summer. Stick around for the awards celebration afterwards with music, kids activities, and photo opportunities. Come dressed ready to hula in your best Hawaiian gear!
The 5K race will be chip-timed and takes place on flat, level, paved roads as well as hard packed gravel. All ages welcome.Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
Those participating in the 1 mile walk will not receive a chipped race bib. Jogging strollers are permitted. Walk-up registration will be available the day of the race and will close at 8:50 am
For information, please call C. Britton at 518-926-5969 or email
Register here:
Event times and information subject to change and not guaranteed.