Chalk Fest 2010
Remember when you were a kid and chalking your driveway was the highlight of your summer? This month doesn’t miss Chalk Fest, the annual sidewalk painting competition held in downtown Glens Falls NY.
Chalk Fest is open to local artists of all ages. There will be awards in both adult and youth categories. This year showcases local artists: Zack Zoll, Emily Thompson, and Jim Denne.
Chalk Fest will be held on on August 19, 2010 from 5-8pm at the plaza at Lapham Place, in between Glen Street and City Park. There will be live music by Rich Ortiz and snacks provided by Wild Bill’s Country Kettle Corn and ADK Italian Ice.
Chalk Fest is part of Third Thursday Art Walk. The third Thursday of every month celebrates local art and artists. Various locations open their doors to offer lectures, visual art, and demonstrations. It is a great way to get out and about in downtown glens falls.
For more information contact Art in the Public Eye at