T. James Houston, PE (L) and Ed Garrigan, PLS stand before the massive GlobalFoundries chip fab plant in Malta.By Barbara Brewer La Mere On April 17 at an awards gala in Washington, D.C., C.T. Male Associates will be the...
NYS Economic Development Commissioner Ken Adams Delivers Upbeat Economic Forecast
Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce President Peter Aust with New York State EDC Commissioner Ken Adams at ARCC Annual Meeting and Luncheon.By Eva Weaver The Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce held their annual meeting and their inaugural Business Forecast...
Greater Glens Falls Local Development Corp. Offers Loans For Job Creation Initiatives
LDC Board Chairman, Mayor Jack Diamond, above, heads an all-volunteer board. LDC has loaned more than $3.5 million to local businesses, according to Director Ed Bartholomew. By Jill Nagy The first loans from a new federally-funded grant fund will...
Kathleen Porcell To Open Elevation Pilates Offering Group And Private Fitness Sessions
By Katie Navarra Elevation Pilates located at 19 Ridge Street, 2nd Floor in Glens Falls is slated to open early May. A grand opening is tentatively being planned for Saturday, May 5 from 9:00 a.m.-noon and will include multi-level mat...
Hospital Launches Fund To Purchase New Linear Accelerator Radiation Technology
To help reach all of its communities, Glens Falls Hospital has created a "Communities Against Cancer" van, which will be dispatched to special events and high-profile locations.Glens Falls Hospital has launched a region-wide "Communities Against Cancer" Annual Fund campaign to...
Fidelis Care Has Job Openings Statewide
New York State's largest government programs-based health plan is hiring, with jobs available in areas such as Marketing, Information Technology, Provider Relations, Quality Health Care Management, Nursing, Pharmacy, Finance, and more. For the Human Resources team that is charged with...
Glens Falls National Bank Appoints Luciano, Moser, And Bulmer To Vice President And Corporate Officer Positions
Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company has announced the appointments of Peter F. Luciano to Senior Vice President and Consumer Lending Manager; Kurt E. Moser to Senior Vice President and Corporate Banking Manager and Mark E. Bulmer, CPA to...
Lake George Beach Road To Be Repaved With Porous Asphalt To Reduce Runoff And Pollution
Beach Road at the south end of Lake George will be re-built this spring with an unconventional pavement: porous asphalt. Upon completion, Beach Road will become the first heavily traveled roadway in New York State (and one of the only...
SCA Hosts Junior Achievement Job Shadow 2012, For 7th Grade Students From Oliver Winch School
(L to R): Sabrena Quintois-Mckinney, Sarah Huntley, Kylie Bronson, Shelby Brayman and Sydney Potter tour SCA tissue mill with Operations Manager Terry Miller.SCA employees at the South Glens Falls, N.Y., facility spent the morning of Feb. 14 explaining the variety...
Kathie Duncan: Career As Regional President Of Adirondack Trust Started With Part-Time Job
Kathie Duncan, President-North Country Region, Adirondack Trust Company.By Maureen Werther Anyone considering a career in banking would do well to talk with Kathie Duncan, Regional President, North Country, Adirondack Trust Co. Kathie thought she wanted to be a teacher, but...