Courtesy ARCC
By Michael Bittel
As we leave 2020 and move into 2021, I believe that everyone in our beautiful region came to the same conclusion, we need each other more than ever. We have been blessed to see and experience collaboration on a scale not seen in our lifetime. Through adversity has come strength, caring and support.
These characteristics not only will continue to get us through this pandemic, but it will carry us to new heights as we look forward into the year 2021.
Let us remember all of the businesses and families effected through temporary or permanent shutdowns of their livelihood. With small businesses being the backbone of our region, this past year has had a profound effect on many long-time businesses, their employees and their families. There are also many businesses who are still open, but whose sales are a fraction of what they once were.
This year brings in a new wave of challenges. Challenges like how fast the vaccine will be distributed. When will we fully open again as a society and economy? How will shortages in sales tax revenue and lower income tax revenue effect local and state government spending in 2021? What regulations will be here to stay or be rolled back once we fully open again?
The year 2021 will also usher in a new wave of opportunities. Opportunities in the form of there being a lot of money on the sidelines. Bank deposits are way up year over year.