ARP and Public Private Strategies launched thefree Small Business Resource Center for the 50+ toprovide resources to aspiring entrepreneurs andestablished business owners. Older entrepreneurscan find support, resources and practical guidanceas they start, manage and grow their business.“Small businesses are vital to our nation’seconomy and many are started by Americans age 50and up,” said Susan Weinstock, AARP vice presidentof financial resiliency programming. “The impactof the pandemic on small businesses cannot beoverstated and it is crucial that business owners andaspiring entrepreneurs have practical guidance andinformation in this moment.”A significant majority of small business areowned by entrepreneurs who started their busi-nesses later in life. More than half (54 percent) ofAmerica’s small business owners are over 50 and in2019 they employed almost half (47.3 percent) ofthe U.S. private workforce.“Always, but particularly as we build back fromCOVID-19, small business owners and entrepre-neurs are constantly adapting and evolving basedon their market and customer needs,” said RhettButtle, founder and principal of Public PrivateStrategies. “The trusted resources and informationon this platform will help them navigate everystage from starting a new business to managing anestablished one.”The Small Business Resource Center for the 50+includes:•Guides to starting, managing and growingsmall businesses.•Help on operating small businesses during acrisis and determining vulnerabilities.•Assistance in evaluating funding needs andidentifying sources of funding for small businesses.•Resources in both Spanish and Chinese lan-guage.To access the online platform, visit: The resource is free and does not requirean AARP membership.