The Fund for Lake George recently launched a new website,
The site will serve as the Internet destination and portal for understanding the current state of Lake George and the Fund’s programs to safeguard the fate of the lake, officials for the group said.
“Our website will provide all who care about the Lake with a place to learn and, more important, to act for lasting Lake protection while the opportunity still exists to do so,” said Fund Executive Director Eric Siy.
Accompanying the new website is the creation of a new meeting space called the Center for Lake George: A Meeting Place Dedicated to Lake Protection. With space for up to 49 people, the center will be open for meetings of the Fund’s expanding network of partners from all sectors with a stake in the Lake’s sustaining health.
“While the website invites visitors worldwide, the center invites people throughout the basin,” said Fund Chairman Jeff Killeen. “Understanding that we will only save Lake George by working in common purpose, The Fund is committed to catalyzing and facilitating extensive collaboration as exhibited by the S.A.V.E. Lake George Partnership and the Jefferson Project that joins the Fund with IBM and RPI as detailed on the website,” said Killeen.
The center offers a state-of-the-art space– wireless Internet, videoconferencing capabilities, and large format projection — with the ability for hosting meetings in person and online, officials said.
“This is a new day for The Fund and a vital step in our redoubled investment to understand Lake George and ensure its priceless natural wonder lives on,” Killeen said.
The center also features selected large-scale prints provided by Carl Heilman II whose photographs of Lake George capture the natural splendor of the lake.
The Fund will host an opening of the new space in the near future where it will also provide a “virtual tour” of the new website. For more information, or to request use of the Center for Lake George, visit the new website at
The Fund for Lake George is a privately funded not-for-profit organization formed in 1980 and dedicated to the protection of Lake George.