By Anne K. Cabral
Do you need different office space? Do you have too much? Too little? Has the COVID-age of remote working affected how much space you need? Will the increase in tech production affect your workforce?
You work in your office every day and have grown accustomed to it. If you’re not sure about your office needs, this may be the perfect time for an office utilization assessment.
Here are signs to look for:
You’ve outgrown the space. Do desks seem to be stacked up on top of each other? Are conference rooms crowded? Are meetings scheduled outside the office to get into a less cramped environment? These are the most obvious signs that it’s time to get a bigger space.
An overcrowded office can affect your employees’ morale and effectiveness and contribute to building a negative work environment. Feeling like a bunch of sardines crammed into too small a space will only frustrate them.
A minimum of 140 square feet per employee is a good guideline. So, if you don’t meet that, then it’s time to move. Here are a couple of ways to realize whether you are running low on space: