New York state has formed the first-ever
NY Craft Brewer Workgroup, which will put
forth recommendations on ways to continue
spurring the rapid expansion of the state’s
craft beer sector.
The work group, which is a direct result
of the second Wine, Beer, Spirits and Cider
Summit, will consist of representatives from
the craft beverage industry, higher education
and research institutions, the agricultural
sector and state government.
“New York’s craft beer industry has seen
tremendous growth in the past four years
– and we plan to keep the momentum going,”
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said.
“By bringing
together leaders from industry, academia and
the public sector, we can make sure that the
Empire State becomes an even better place
to brew and promote world-class beverages.
That’s what I’ve charged this work group with
doing, and I am confident that they will play a
large role in continuing to cultivate a vibrant
environment for the craft beer industry.”
The group will help coordinate and improve
communication between all segments
of the craft brew industry and state government.
Members will also work together to
identify emerging needs, including research
on new varieties of hops and barley, production
methods and consumer trends; as well
as making sure that the state has the infrastructure
in place for this growing industry,
said the governor.
The work group will also continue where
the summit left off by reviewing areas of
potential regulatory reform and guiding the
continued development of Empire State Development’s
One Stop Shop, which is designed
to provide New York’s beverage producers
with a single point of government contact for
assistance regarding regulations, licensing,
state incentives, and any other questions or
issues facing the industry, officials said.
Members will assist in the development
and/or direction of promotional and marketing
programs such as Taste NY, Pride of New
York and Trails to promote New York agriculture,
while exploring grant opportunities
potentially beneficial to the industry.
Members of the group, which will be led by
the Commissioner of the State Department of
Agriculture and Markets, include:
• Gary C. Bergstrom, Ph.D., professor,
Department of Plant Pathology and Plant-
Microbe Biology at Cornell University
• Jimmy Carbone, host, Beer Sessions
• Larry Fisher, president, Northeast Hop
• Steve Hindy, co-founder, Brooklyn
• David Katleski, founder of Empire Brewing
Company and president of the NYS Brewers
• Paul Leone, executive director, NYS
Brewers Association
• Natalie Mattrazzo, co-owner, the Farm-
House Brewery
• Steven Miller, Cornell hop specialist
• June Russell, manager of farm inspections
and strategic development at Greenmarket,
• Gregg Stacy, vice president, director of
marketing and sales at Brown’s Brewing Co.
• Bill Verbeten, regional extension agronomist,
Cornell Cooperative Extension
• Justin Whipple, owner of Whipple Brothers
Representatives from the State Liquor
Authority and Empire State Development
will also participate.
State Agriculture Commissioner Richard
A. Ball said, the “farm-based beverage summits
laid the groundwork for unprecedented
growth within the industry, and this workgroup
will take this one step further. Gov.
Cuomo has brought together some of the
best and brightest minds within the industry
to examine challenges and develop working
solutions. It’s an exciting time to be part of
New York agriculture and the boom in the
craft brewing industry is a major reason why.”
State Liquor Authority Chairman Dennis
Rosen said, “New York craft producers have
experienced an explosion of growth as the
state has partnered with industry to create
new craft manufacturing licenses, overhaul
antiquated laws, and modernize regulations.
This work group will enhance this partnership,
as we work together to further expand
opportunities for our farm-based entrepreneurs
to continue generating jobs and environmentally
friendly economic development
in communities across the state.”
Empire State Development President, CEO
& Commissioner Kenneth Adams said, “The
tremendous growth in the beverage industry
is a direct result of the sector’s key players
working together with the state to address
potential obstacles.”
In July 2012, Cuomo signed legislation
creating a farm brewery license to promote
the use of local ingredients in craft beers.
Since that law took effect in January 2013,
48 new farm breweries have opened up across
the state. Like farm wineries, farm breweries
craft “New York” beer with specific levels of
locally grown ingredients, gradually increasing
from 20 percent to 90 percent by 2024.
Farm breweries enjoy similar privileges to
farm wineries, including the ability to operate
up to five offsite retail outlets, open
restaurants, conduct tastings and sell related
products that may include souvenirs, food
to complement beer tastings and equipment
and supplies.
State officials said New York microbreweries
continue to experience unprecedented
growth. The Empire State is now home to
100 microbreweries, a 150 percent increase
from 2011. Additionally, the number of
restaurant brewers has increased from 10
in 2011 to 26 today, which amounts to a 160
percent increase.
Currently there are approximately 225 acres
of hops planted in New York State, of which 150
acres will be harvested this year–amounting
to over 100,000 pounds of hops.