By Susan Elise Campbell
Despite staffing shortages and many rainy days, the summer experience around Lake George is proving to be “a phenomenal season,” according to Gina Mintzer, executive director of Lake George Regional Chamber of Commerce.
That’s good news as the country eases out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The Lake is beautiful and warm and the campgrounds are full,” said Mintzer. “Everything is open and available. But there is still a pandemic and we are asking people to be safe and on the honor system.”
Television advertising, social media, flyers from businesses, and emails from the Chamber to its members are getting word out that there is an abundance of things to do in this premier resort area, rain or shine.
“There are plenty of indoor activities, such as Hyde Museum downtown Glens Falls and the Warren County Historical Society in Queensbury,” Mintzer said. “Prospect Mountain is open and free” for hiking, picnics, or a short drive offering beautiful views of Lake George.
The Chamber staffs the Information Center in the Village of Lake George. Compared to 2019, Mintzer said traffic in the center is down, but it opened later in June than in a typical summer season.
Originally scheduled for June 2-7, Americade 2021 was moved to Sept. 21-25 “to reduce the likelihood of it being impacted by COVID-related restrictions,” according to the website LakeGeorge.com.
Mintzer said the Adirondack Balloon Festival, “an annual event here for decades,” will return in the fall, from Sept. 23-26.
“Some outdoor activities are at a premium. Visitors should make sure in advance that boats are rented” Mintzer said. Some activities are weather-dependent and can be canceled due to heavy rain.
“One RV park had to cancel its reservations because of the flooding of Schroon River,” she said. “The rivers can get too rough and whitewater rafting companies have added more guides for better safety.”
She said Great Escape is currently closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays due to the lack of staff. The scaled back schedule is “so that the other days are operating efficiently to ensure guest satisfaction.”
Visit lakegeorgechamber.com for information about membership and local activities.