New York state has awarded funds for 22 large-scale solar and energy storage projects it says will deliver enough clean, affordable energy to power over 620,000 New York homes for at least 20 years.
Of five awards in the Capital Region, two were local, including:
• Fort Edward Solar Farm, where Fort Edward Solar LLC, a Boralex affiliate, will build a 100-megawatt solar facility in the towns of Fort Edward and Argyle, Washington County.
• Easton Solar Farm, where Easton Solar LLC, a Boralex affiliate, will build a 20-megawatt solar facility in the town of Easton, Washington County.
As the state’s largest land-based renewable energy procurement to date, these projects will spur over $2.7 billion in private investment and create over 3,000 short- and long-term jobs across the state, officials said. The awards accelerate progress to exceed New York’s goal to obtain 70 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030 on the path to a zero-emission grid by 2040 as required by Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.
Officials said these awards will strengthen the state’s current pipeline of renewables to power over 66 percent of New York’s electricity from renewable sources.
The investments “will put us on a path to making New York a greener place to live while also creating new jobs and spurring economic development,” Gov. Kathy Hochul said. “These projects will allow us to not just meet but exceed our goal of obtaining 70 percent of our electricity from renewable resources and will further cement New York as a national leader in the fight against climate change.”